1Botulinum Toxin Therapy for Managing Sleep Bruxism: A Randomized and Placebo—Controlled Trial, Toxins, 2020, 12(3), 168. (SCI)
2A questionnaire study on sleep-wake pattern and sleep Quality in TMJ & Orofacial pain clinic, CRANIO®: The Journal of Craniomandibular & Sleep Practice, 2020, 38(4), 213-220. (SCI, 제 1저자)
3Sjögren Syndrome after Radioiodine Therapy in Thyroid Cancer Patients, Journal of Oral Medicine and Pain, 2018, 43(3), 84-86. (제 1저자)
4Toothache Caused by Sialolithiasis of the Submandibular Gland, Journal of Oral Medicine and Pain, 2018, 43(3), 87-91.
5A comparative study of the deviation of the menton on posteroanterior cephalograms and three-dimensional computed tomography, Imaging Science in Dentistry, 2016, 46(1), 33-38. (제 1저자)
6Fracture of tapered body implant fixture: a case report and finite elements analysis, Journal of Dental Implant Research, 2015, 34(2), 35-40. (제 1저자)
7The clinical prognosis of implants invading the adjacent natural tooth and invaded teeth, Journal of Dental Implant Research, 2015, 34(1), 12-21.
12018 대한턱관절교합학회 종합학술대회 포스터 감사상
22017 대한안면통증 구강내과학회 학술대회 우수상
32015 Osstem meeting poster presentation 금상
4WeDEX 2015 학술대회 동상
학회 발표 및 강연
12018.10 대한턱관절교합학회, 서울, 한국
22018.9 European Sleep Research Society-ESRS (유럽수면학회), Basel, Switzerland
32018.3 제2회 Asian Society of Sleep Medicine(아시아수면학회 학술대회), Seoul, Korea
42018.3 American Pain Society-APS(미국통증학회), Scientific Summit, Anaheim, CA, USA
52017.12 제 17회 연세치의학학술대회, 서울, 한국
62017.7 대한수면연구학회, 서울, 한국
72017.10 구강안면통증구강내과학회, 광주, 한국
82014.10 2014년 대한치과의사협회-CDC-HODEX 국제종합학술대회, 대전, 한국